An investigation of teacher needs in using ICT in teaching and learning

Nan Wang
Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, China
Li Chen
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China

Skill in using information and communication technology (ICT) is becoming essential for enhancing teaching and learning, and training on ICT utilization has emerged as an important issue in higher education institutions in China. However, limited work has been done on a needs analysis for staff using ICT in university teaching.

This study investigates the need for ICT use in teaching at Beijing Normal University (BNU) from the staff perspective. Four topics -- skills in using traditional and ICT media in teaching, the need to learn new ICT for teaching, attitudes towards the use of ICT and difficulties in using it -- were investigated using a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. One hundred and twenty-eight valid questionnaire responses were received (a 94% return rate) and 26 subjects -- randomly selected from the survey respondents -- were interviewed. The survey showed that the majority of the respondents needed to learn computing skills related to web design software, online learning platforms and electronic resources for teaching -- but only a few required training in basic computing skills such as email and the Internet. More important, respondents wanted to learn how to integrate ICT effectively and efficiently into their classroom teaching. Therefore, the pedagogy for integrating classroom teaching and online learning should be a high priority in training in ICT. It is expected that the results of this study will be valuable for teacher trainers at higher educational institutions when planning training programmes on ICT utilization.