committee chinese simplified chinese
Title: Integrating technology and education: Past, present and future

Prof. Leung Chun Ming
Vice President
(Technology & Development)
The Open University of Hong Kong

Professor C. M. Leung is the Vice President (Technology & Development) at the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). Prior to joining the OUHK in 1998, he was a physics professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the USA for 20 years. He received his Ph. D. in Astronomy from the University of California at Berkeley. His professional interest is in computational astrophysics and technology-enhanced education. In Hong Kong he pioneered studio teaching and synchronous distance learning using Internet and ISDN technology, and promoted Web-based instruction. At the OUHK he is responsible for the planning and development of physical facilities and technology infrastructure in teaching, administration and student support services (e.g., he directs the development of the Campus Phase II and Centre for Innovation projects). He oversees the operation of three units: Information Technology, Educational Technology and Publishing, and Library.

Keynote address

In the past decade, rapid advances in information technology and easy access to the Internet have changed the way people around the world work, play, learn and do business, thereby challenging and transforming the world's underlying social, economic and political structures. In education, the unique characteristics of the World Wide Web (e.g., use of hypermedia, connectivity, interactivity and flexibility), which are compatible with those emphasized in interactive, collaborative and student-centred learning, are causing a paradigm shift toward Web-centric teaching and learning. Likewise, the application of learning management systems, Web services and mobile technology is transforming many learning support services. The ubiquity of digital media and communication devices, the emergence of tools/services that promote sharing and collaboration (e.g., blogs and wikis, tags and RSS feeds), and advances in digital gaming and simulation technology, also enable learning modes that are not possible using traditional means. Indeed, a major challenge for educators nowadays is to effectively integrate technology and education for teaching/learning in a networked multimedia environment with keen local and global competition for diversified learning and learners.

In this presentation, I will review, from a historical perspective, how different technologies have impacted or may impact teaching and learning, and vice versa. In addition, by drawing parallels between developments in science and technology, business and entertainment industries, and concepts in learning and thinking (e.g., from the evolution of computing technology to the changing paradigm in learning; from hyperlinks in Web browsing to human thinking; from multi-channel communications to multi-sensory learning, etc.), I will describe several strategies and techniques for effective use and integration of technology in teaching and learning.

Title: From the E-learning Lab to society -- Some new progress in e-learning

Prof. Shen Ruimin
E-Learning Lab
Shanghai Jiaotong University

Prof. Shen's research interests are focused on network information process, knowledge discovery and data mining, wireless network education and other advanced e-learning technologies.

He is a member of the Chinese Educational Technology Standardization Committee and the Distance Learning Experts Committee of the Ministry of Education, Director of the SJTU-Intel Distance Learning Research Center, and Dean of the Network Education College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Keynote address

At the Shanghai E-Learning Lab of Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), we are convinced that Web-based teaching should be based on the traditional real-time classroom (which has been proven effective) in order to offer real-time multimedia teaching. We have proposed a theory in which e-learning has five essential features: broadband, wireless hotspots, real-time events, interaction and multimedia.

Over the years, the Shanghai E-Learning Lab has striven to develop this model of online education, receiving INTEL's sponsorship for ten straight years. Simultaneously, the Lab has established with Shanghai Telecom a public communication platform to provide society with digital learning materials. The platform runs as follows:

  1. The Standard Natural Classroom. The Standard Natural Classroom supports teaching plans of various formats, and includes a handwriting e-board, e-mouse and laser pen that allow the teacher to offer students an interactive world similar to classroom teaching. It makes possible both real and multi-dimensional interaction. In addition, the Classroom captures the main teaching points automatically.

  2. Data Transmission. Real-time classroom teaching data gathered from the Standard Natural Classroom are then collected and compressed for transmission. A QoS mechanism is used to organize the different kinds of data in order to provide high-quality live transmission with less delay. It also supports flash disks of all kinds.

  3. Individualized instruction. The platform can use dynamic data about students' learning to help establish large communities who have shared interests and learning situations. It can also help enable different communities to share learning resources and experiences.

Title: Developing online learning communities

Prof. Binshan Lin
BellSouth Corporation Professor
College of Business Administration
Louisiana State University in Shreveport

Prof. Lin received his PhD from Louisiana State University in 1988. He is a seven-time recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award at LSUS. Prof. Lin received the International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) Computer Educator of the Year award in 2005, the IACIS Ben Bauman A ward for Excellence in 2003, the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) Distinguished Service Award in 2007, the SWDSI Outstanding Educator Award in 2004, and the Emerald Literati Club A ward for Excellence in 2003.

He has published over 160 articles in refereed journals, and currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the following nine academic journals: Industrial Management and Data Systems, International Journal of Mobile Communications, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Electronic Government: An International Journal, International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, International Journal of Service and Standards, International Journal of Electronic Finance, and International Journal of Management in Education.

Prof. Lin has served as President of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (2004-2005), the Association for Chinese Management Educators (2003-2004) and the International Chinese Information Systems Association (2000); and Program Chair of the IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference in Taipei, and the Management International Conference (MIC) 2006 in Slovenia. He is the General Chair of MIC 2007 in Slovenia.

Keynote address

Online learning communities offer learners social networks to effectively and easily acquire and share knowledge. As such, this talk postulates that self-governance is a motivating force for enabling online learning communities. Self-governance can be measured in terms of self-efficacy, perceived behavioural control and personal outcome expectations regarding human-technology interactions. In the learning process, is it better to design courses that are learner centred or community centred? A large segment of the research literature focuses on the development of cohesive learning communities which in theory strengthen, support and expand the educational process conducted in the virtual environment. Self-governance is an individual, internal factor which is necessary for learning communities to effectively function and flourish. Several hypotheses are proposed which, when tested, should reveal significant information that will be valuable in determining the impact of individual differences when individuals become members of a dynamic learning community. One must not forget that there are other variables, in addition to the ones proposed in this discussion, which may be important in studying this leaning process.

Title: Facing the challenges of emerging technologies and pedagogies

Prof. David Murphy
Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching
Monash University

Professor David Murphy is Director of the Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) at Monash University. David returned to Australia in 2005 after four years at the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), where he was Head of the Centre for Research in Distance & Adult Learning. He was also Senior Course Designer at the OUHK, a position he held during previous tenure there from 1994-98. He spent three years at Monash (1998-2001) as Associate Professor in Flexible Learning in the Centre for Higher Education Development, and has also worked at Deakin University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. David has a long association with distance and open education, along with staff development in higher education, and he is on the editorial boards of a number of journals. His consultancies include work with the Commonwealth of Learning, Austrade, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Health Organization. His research has most recently focused on information and communication technologies in higher education, and his publications include three edited books, titled Online Learning and Teaching with Technology: Case Studies, Experience and Practice, Advancing Online Learning in Asia and Distance Education and Technology: Issues and Practice.

Keynote address

Educational institutions of all types and at all levels are faced with significant challenges arising from efforts to accommodate new and emerging technologies and pedagogies in their teaching and learning environments. Schools and tertiary institutions need to develop systems of governance, policies and processes that allow them to respond swiftly and appropriately to the challenges, whether it be how to integrate with the world of social computing, how to encourage and support innovation or how to move successful innovation to operational status. This presentation will outline ways that these challenges are being faced, illustrated with particular examples from the individual (both staff and students), departmental and institutional level. The current development of an Educational Technology Framework at Monash University will be used to exemplify a response to the complex array of challenges. The presentation will also address several key issues currently perplexing educational institutions, such as plagiarism and its prevention and detection.